PowerShell Searching Exchange 2010 Mailboxes with PowerShell If you don’t have access then assign the role to the required user account : New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -User administrator This will search every mailbox for messages containing the word FINDME in the message body and export them to the administrator mailbox in a subfolder called Results Get-Mailbox
IPSEC Driver has entered Block Mode Basically the issue was a NIC that could receive traffic but not send. Looking at the event viewer I saw the message “IPSec driver has entered Block mode”. I got around this issue by modifying the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\ReservedPorts Update the
Archive Hard reset a Nokia E51 This will hard reset your phone (wiping all data). To do this, just enter the following sequence: * *#7370# The phone will confirm the master factory reset and then reboot. If it asks for a reset code, try 12345 or 1234
Archive Hotmail Active-Sync Settings When POP access to Hotmail isn’t good enough and you don’t want to pay for IMAP access then Actice-sync is the perfect solution. Not only is it free and fast it also has push capability. To set it up use the following info: * E-mail: username@hotmail.com * Server
XMBC (Fanless HTPC) After many years my trusty XBOX no longer cuts it as a HTPC as most of the releases I want are in HD (and why shouldn’t I take advantage of that). After reading many forums and spec-in up numerous units I decided on the following: * ASUS AT5IONT-I [http://www.
Copy/Move files in Linux For MOVING: > sudo mv /usr/local/base/.. for COPYING > sudo cp /usr/local/base/.. In place of you can put the filename, or a directory or even anything using a wildcard eg: *.mp3 to move all the mp3 files in a particular folder
Assigning “SEND AS” Permissions to a user 1. Start Active Directory Users and Computers; click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers. 2. On the View menu, make sure that Advanced Features is selected. 3. Double-click the user that you want to grant send as rights for, and
Recommended Repository layout The trunk folder contains the main development branch, the branches folder contains subfolders with temporary copies of trunk for experimental development, release stabilisation etc. and the tags folder contains copies of the officially released versions.
Query AD Users Query a user i.e. ‘Admin’. From the command prompt: dsquery user -name *admin* Result: "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=co,DC=uk" "CN=ScomAdmin,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=co,DC=uk"
Ninite Easy PC Setup and multiple app installer If like me you spend a lot of time downloading installers for numerous websites then you might want to try Ninite [http://ninite.com/]. 1. Pick the apps you want. 2. Start your customised installer. 3. You’re done! It's not got everything I need but will defiantly shaves a
Adding 301 permanent redirect code If you want to redirect all pages of an entire site to the main page of another domain, add the following code to your .htaccess file: RedirectMatch 301 (.*) http://www.example.com/ The .htaccess file should be stored in the same location as the index page to your OLD domain
Wordpress permalinks on WAMP WordPress and WAMPserver are one of the best buddies when you want to write a personal localhost’ed blog. Recently, when I installed wordpress and chose to use ‘pretty permalinks’, all I got is Error 404-File not found. i checked the .htaccess file if the changes have been written to
Redirecting mail using Thunderbird Thunderbird, the Mozilla mail reader, comes with the ability to Forward an email (via an icon on the toolbar) which will send out the email under your name. Sometimes it’s desirable to Redirect (or “bounce”) a message. Although it’s possible to detect that a message has been redirected,
Archive Easy TOMTOM7 screen rotation Change your registry settings to enable screen rotation: > HKLM – System – GDI – Rotation – HideOrientationUI (Change from 1 to 0) Soft Reset your phone, once loaded map your call button to the rotation tweak: > Settings -> Buttons -> Map with < Rotate Screen > When you would like to rotate your screen, just hold
Archive Show thumbnails for Adobe CS2/CS3 files When i moved to CS2 and then CS3 I noticed that the thumbnail views for Illustrator and Photoshop files had been disabled since the introduction of ‘Bridge’ (which I don’t like by the way). Heres the instructions. 1. Download this zip file. 2. Shut down any open Adobe programs.
Create Favicon from any picture This is defiantly the easiest way to create excellent FavIcons without have to open a graphics package. Head over to HTML-Kit.com [http://www.html-kit.com/favicon/] update any image you want and you’ll get your icon within a few seconds – its as easy as that. If you want
Use Illustrator to fill a path with text A little option called ‘Envelope Distort’ is what your after. Create your letters in the appropriate font. Make sure the path is the top object and choose the following: Object > Envelope Distort > Make with top Object Its best to duplicate the path layer before using the Envolpe Distort function and
Making .ICO files with Adobe Photoshop Download the following Windows package, which you can also get by clicking here: http://www.telegraphics.com.au/sw/icoformat-win-1.3b3.zip Now all you have to do is extract icoformat.8bi to your plugins folder in adobe. Now the next time you start Adobe you will have the option
Quiet line test The BT line test facility can be accessed from any BT line Unplug any extension phones, extension cables, answer machines or fax (anything except the phone you will use to do the test). Plug a normal touch tone phone directly into the BT master socket. Dial 17070, press option 2
Alter the security settings to run downloaded scripts We need to change the security settings in order to run these files, the best way is from the PowerShell [http://www.microsoft.com/powershell] command line. To change the execution policy to RemoteSigned type the following: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Thats it!
Archive K800i Volume Boost If your like me and was thinking to yourself that the earphone/speaker volume on your k800i was a little low then this is the hack for you. (Apparently this also works on other models such as the k750i etc.) press * right * left left * left * Its best to do this
Archive SPEAK TO ME ! Ok instead of working out some problems for my honours project I managed to create this so I figured I may as well share it. This program is just you’re basic text to speech program, whatever you type in the text box the program will turn into speech, Nice